Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fall Graduation

Last night was fantastic.  21 graduates walked across the stage celebrating their accomplishments.  They were GED diploma graduates.  We had a total of 75 GED graduates this semester.  The 21 graduates celebrated with family, friends, mentors, instructors, and staff.  The speakers gave 3 of the best commencement speeches I've ever heard.  They were very inspirational, and they didn't leave many dry eyes.
Remember starting in January 2013, this will be the last year you can take the tests on paper.  In 2014, a new GED test will be released.  This new test will be aligned with the common core standards, and will be delivered only on computers. 
All tests belonging to an incomplete GED diploma will be lost on Dec. 31, 2013.  So if you, or someone you know has taken a GED test since 2002, have them get in here and finish testing so they don't lose all of their hard work.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Technology and Tests

Computers have become an intergal part of our lives.  From cars, ATM's to this blog, computers are important.  They bring us closer together with family and friends that are all over the nation, or world.  They bring us news, sometimes as it is happening.  Technology makes it easier and more effecient to do many chorus and jobs.  It is important that as individuals we stay up-to-date with the technology in our lives.  Here at RCC, we have changed so much of what we do to incorporate technology and computers in our classroom instruction and testing.
Three years ago we moved from our old headquarters above the library to our posh digs in the AE builidng.  Our classrooms have the best that educational technology can offer.  They have sympodiums, connecting computers to projectors as well as digital overhead projectors.  We have a top of the line computer lab so students can broaden their computer experience.
Two years ago we changed how we did the Pre-GED testing.  We went from what was strictly a paper and pencil test to a computer-based test.  With this new process, students could find out what specific educational areas required more attention, and in what areas they were strong.  Then last year we moved our placement and progress assessments from paper-based to tests to computer as well.  This new mode made it possible for teachers to more quickly elavuate the needs and strengths of the student.
Computer testing eliminates many effects of human error.  Human error can occur when the test taker is marking the answer from test booklet on the answer sheet.  They may mark the wrong bubble or mark the answer to the wrong item number.  There are many ways in which a test taker may lower their score from careless markings on the paper.  Another issue is when the test administrator makes a mistake in marking questions correct or incorrect, as well as counting the raw score and converting that to a scale score which is used for placement. 
Students can easily click on the answer they select by clicking selection on the screen.  There are no forms or booklets to lose one's place.  The computer even notifies the student if they didn't answer all the questions and tell the student which questions they still need to answer in order to finish the test.  The program instantly scores the tests, and provides a profile of the student's strengths and weaknesses.
If you have any questions about testing feel free to call or contact the Coordinator of Assessments and he will explain the testing process to you.                                                                                                                             

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dealing with Test Anxiety

I don't know many people who like to take tests.  Testing comes with so much pressure and stress.  Stress to prove ourselves, to do well, to not let our teachers, supporters and others down.  Many times we hang so much on a test.  This pressure and stress can show its self in so many different ways.  During my time as a test administrator I have seen students nearly pass out from hyperventilating, I've seen the occasional test taker cry in the middle of a test.  During testing its not uncommon to hear someone swear or pray, the pulling of hair, the nervous tapping of a pencil, the violent erasing of an unwanted answer.  The following is a list of things you can do to help alleviate this test anxiety.
  • Arrive at your testing location early.  This will allow you to focus on the test and clear your mind.  If you are rushing to get to the test on time, your already anxious, and your blood pressure is up; these things will not help you during the test.  By arriving early, you can pick the seat you feel most comfortable with (if that is an option), dumping out the nonessential things in your mind at that moment.
  • Eat a nutritious meal or snack before testing.  By picking up some good food with some calories it will give you the strength and attention to do the test.  When you are hungry or feel that empty pit in your stomach you will not do as good during the test.
  • Get some sleep.  Don't burn the midnight oil cramming for the exam. Get to bed early so that way you get the sleep your brain needs.  With a fresh and rested brain, you will do better than if your brain was crammed full of information that is running on no rest.  Sleep recharges your brain like a battery.
  • Before testing write down your feelings about the test.  Get all your thoughts and feelings out on paper.  Whatever fears you may have about testing, put it on paper.  A study done by University of Chicago showed that students who did this exercise showed better scores than those who did not do it.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A brand new semester

We will have our first GED Test session for the 2012-2013 school year this week.  It's so exciting!  This semester's first GED Graduates will come from this week's testing.  I love getting those scores back from our scoring service.  I love seeing our students pass their tests and eventually graduate.  It's always a thrill working here and seeing the smile, the occasional tears, and the joy on the students' faces when they succeed.
At the end of the fall and spring semesters we hold a graduation ceremony.  This last August we had our last summer graduation that we will hold.  But it's always nice to see the students cross the stage and receive the recognition that they deserve.  You can see their family and friends cheer them on as they receive their diploma covers (the actual diploma is mailed to the recipient from Raleigh).
But that graduation, that passing score of anything over 2250 points should not be the end.  It should just be the beginning.  Having a GED Diploma is not enough in today's economy.  Employers are looking for skilled workers.  The GED Diploma is a door leading to better things, not an end.  At RCC we believe in our students.  So much so that we give them one free class in a continuing education class or a curriculum class for having finished their GED work with us.  Students can take anything with this voucher, from automotive to nursing, to photography to a computer literacy class.  Any class that we offer at RCC is open for this class.  While the GED will open the door to more options, at RCC we help our students take the next step.
During this Spring semester's curriculum graduation two students who earned their GED during my first semester here in Fall of 2009 walked across another stage, this time to accept their Associates Degree.  That was exciting!  They were moving on, moving forward to bigger and better things.  Things that would never have been possible if they didn't have their GED.  This last summer saw more of my graduates move on to receive their Associates as well.  And that tradition will continue.
When I see GED graduates out in town I always ask them what they are up to.  Some have found new employment, some have found better jobs, some are going to school as part of a certificate or degree program.  All of this is awesome.
At RCC we create opportunities that truly change lives.  If your life has been changed by being here at RCC we would love to hear your story. Maybe your words will help motivate another student out their to open that door to a world of opportunities that awaits those that earn their GED Diploma.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In this Together

Great things are always happening here at RCC.  We believe in moving from going to great.  We are pleased with our progress but never satisfied.  We know we can always do better, and we keep moving.  When I say "we" I mean the whole family.  The instructors, the staff, the students, we're all in this together.  Sure that might sound over used, saying: we're all in this together.  But it's true.  Instead of thinking of it as a cliche, we should think of it as an axiom, a truth.  If the the school didn't exist where would students go for their education?  If there were no students, there would be no point in having a school with teachers and staff.
We are in this together, and now we will start yet another year.  How wonderful.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Computer-Based Testing is around the corner

More and more of our GED students are computer savvy.  Many have grown up with computers and feel comfortable with them.  The GED Testing Service which oversees all GED testing in the United States, Canada and other international testing sites is moving away from the old paper and pencil test to having their tests done on the computer.  This is in an effort to reach more students and make testing possible for many students who would otherwise not obtain their GED for various reasons.  By offering the GED tests on computers, students will be able to get in and test faster and at more convenient times for themselves.

We anticipate that by 2013 we will be using computers for GED tests.  This is why we at RCC are moving our testing to computers as well.  We are looking to stay ahead of the curve and have our students ready for GED computer-based testing when the moment comes.  In the last year we have introduced pre-GED testing on computers and then we went online with our assessment tool TABE.  These steps have been done to bring faster and more reliable results, and to help students feel more comfortable testing on computers.

Monday, May 14, 2012

GED Graduates are now Associate graduates.

This last week our curriculum students participated in their graduation ceremony.  Two of our former GED students participated in that graduation.  Both graduated with honors and belonged to the PTK honors association.  Congrats to them.

Today is our GED and AHS graduation ceremony!  Congrats to all of our grads.  You all did so good!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big Changes

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  That would be because, we have been busy.  Our program has seen some big changes.  We have only one GED Examiner, Jared.  Lisa left us for bigger and better things in Archdale, and we wish her success as the director of the Archdale Center.  We are moving towards more computer-based testing, and incorporating technology into the classroom.  We even offer on-line GED classes as well as a correspondence course.  Students can earn hours toward testing in the comfort of their own home.  If you have questions about these distance education opportunities you should call Melissa at 336-633-0148.  If you need help scheduling appointments for testing feel free to call me at 336-633-0160 or the front desk at 0106.
As many of you know the GED Testing is undergoing some major changes.  I will keep you up to date with those changes and what is to come.
Check back frequently to see what is going on!